Kamyar Allahverdi

Senior Graphics Programmer
About Me

I am a Graphics Programmer for video games. I'm currently working on Soulframe and Warframe at Digital Extremes . Previously, I worked on Halo Infinite at Skybox Labs Inc.

I've got my M.Sc. in Computer Science, specialized in Computer Graphics, from Univeristy of Calgary. My research area was in 3D printing, and I published Landscaper : A Modeling System for 3D Printing Scale Models of Landscapes during my studies there. I've also studied my B.Sc. in Software Engineering at Sharif University of Technology.

Selected Personal Projects
InfiniteRays (WIP)

A DXR-Pathtracer mini engine. I've implemented a version of SVGF for real-time denoising of the path-traced image. You can see a work-in-progress demo of the path-tracing here.


A light-weight framework based on WebGL that uses javascript features to introduce a clean syntax for creating and managing scenes. Available here.